Become the Specialist In Your Town!!

Niche your Dog Business and find your Target Market

Firstly, what is Niching my Dog Business?

Niching is a business strategy where your dog business chooses to specialise and focus on targeting a particular group, breed, size or temperament of dog, (even colour if you wish) the option is yours. The idea being that you niche down your business to a specific group of dogs rather than offering your services to all the dogs in your local area.


What are the Benefits of Niching my Dog Business:

  • It will help you to find your target audience and define how you can serve them better.

  • It creates a competitive advantage for your dog business by helping you to attract more customers who are interested specifically in what you have to offer.

  • You’ll find marketing your dog business so much easier and cheaper when you know exactly a) Who your target audience are, b) What they need from your business, c) The best advertising methods you need to implement to reach them.

  • By recognising and focusing your efforts from the very start on the correct target market for your dog business you will receive a better return on your invested time, money and energy.

How do I find my Dog Business Niche

We advise you to find a niche that has lots of potential, but also is within an area of your profession that you both enjoy and have a good level of knowledge. At this stage you do not need to be an expert but you do need to be able to deliver what you promise. When researching your dog business niche we suggest you aim for what we call in marketing a sector that is ‘an inch wide and a mile deep’.  An inch wide meaning it is a highly targeted sub-category. A mile deep meaning there are enough potential customers who need a dog business with your specialist offering.

Although narrowing your market may seem quite daunting and rather scary, remember you are more likely to attract and convert a prospect when you offer them the specialist service that matches their precise requirement than if you advertise your business to the masses. Being in the same pool as other generalist dog businesses in your profession is counter productive. Aim to be – A big fish in a little pond!

Here are some great Dog Business Niching Ideas

The pet industry is huge, especially the dog sector, which is why it is important to niche down and become the specialist within your area for your profession. To be successful you must stand out from the crowd.

Here are some niching ideas:
 Specific breeds, breed types like: gun-dogs, terriers or poos, small dogs, large dogs or dogs that have a renowned requirement, temperament or characteristic, such as anxiety.

Niching your dog business

By niching and announcing yourself as a specialist: Let’s say as a – ‘gun-dog trainer,’ a ‘cockerpoo stylist’, a ‘small paws dog walker’, a ‘dog show photographer’ or a ‘doggy daycare for golden oldies’ you immediately align yourself with that group, which makes your business much more attractive and as a result sought-after by the people you actually want to work with. Niching, I know can seem a tad scary, but by limiting your dog business to a target market you will receive better, more qualified enquiries, whilst at the same time eliminating the inevitable price hoppers.

Additionally, as a specialist, you have earned the right to charge more for your services. Now that customers are no longer shopping on price, but instead on desire and what they have decided is the best for their special pooch, they are no longer as concerned by the price. In fact they expect to pay more, as we all do for a specialist service and are genuinely very happy to do so.

Reduces marketing costs: Targeting your customers more precisely will make the process of attracting and converting new customers much easier and less costly. You will spend less money on advertising as you now know where your target market hangs out, you know their pain points and are able to offer them the solutions that resonate with their anxieties. Basically they trust you will solve their problems, stop their sleepless nights and make theirs and their dogs life much better, and that is all customers really want.

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